Registration will open November 21 and run until December 25th for the winter mixed adult league.
When: Games will all be played on Saturday evenings 5-10pm
Please read:
Where: New Dawn Place 1777 2nd street N
When: Saturday nights starting January 11th and running till March 15th.
Registration cost per player: $110 per player* fees need to be paid by December 31st to play - late fee of $25 after registration closes
BC Soccer Insurance (no insurance no play):
*If you have not registered and played with KESA since May of 2024 you will have to pay an additional $40 for BC soccer player insurance. This is mandatory as per BC Soccer for participation in any KESA programs. If you have paid this fee since May of 2024 or coached for KESA since May then you do not have to pay this fee again. PLEASE NOTE: BC Soccer Insurance is valid from May to April every year.
NEW***Teams must have a minimum of 2 female players on the roster and 2 female players must be on the field at all times*** Max 16 players per roster.
Ways to register:
1. Your team captain needs to register the team first. Captains do that by clicking on the register now below then the Team registration button. Follow the prompts. You will need to put in your team roster into the roster form. Once you have the players names and emails complete your registration which will send them and invite to register as a player to your team. Team captains please make sure you include yourself on your roster because you will need to register as a player to your team as well. Once players receive their invite they can click on the Register to a team button and use their invite code to register themselves and pay their fees.
Players will not be able to attend any game play until they are properly registered through the registration system and fees are paid and are insured. Please have any of your players that are not insured with BC Soccer Insurance to etransfer $40 to asap so KESA Admin can process insurance, if they are have not paid on the registration site.
2. If you do not have a team but would like to be on a randomly generated team with other players in your same situation. Please click on register to a team and use the invite code a27c2 which will add you to the KESA open team. Fees of $110.00 and BC Soccer Insurance of $40 (if you have not been insured with BC Soccer since May 2024).
Schedules will be made once registration closes and sent out to Team Captains by January 4th
Any abuse of the ref's will result in a ban from future KESA programs.
KESA is really short on adult refs. If you have ever held an BC soccer ref license and would be willing to take the ref recertification course (takes 30 min max) KESA will pay for it and you will get paid to ref the games. Remember no refs no league-please help if you can. email if you are interested in recertifying
Refund will be given at 50% registration costs and minus admin fee, with approval from the Board. Refunds will only be considered until second week of play- minus player insurance fee if insurance was already processed.
For all refund requests please email
*you must be turning 16 in the calendar year of the program to be eligible to play*