REP/Development April-September

REP/Development April-September 2025

April 7 through September 25, 2025 
Registration will be open January 1-February 1 2025.

Practice Schedule

2025 Schedule TBD (dependent on registration numbers)

Monday & Wednesday evenings (Sunday practices are possible, depending on coach
preferences for REP teams)

  • Practices start the Week of April 7 and will be one night each week for all teams
    at New Dawn Place (the dome) - Schedule TBD
  • Practices will move to Moir Park early May and will change to twice weekly on
    Monday and Wednesday - Schedule TBD (but will be similar to 2023 season)
    •  5:00-6:30pm for U9 to U12 players
    • 6:30-8:00pm for U13 to U 18 players 



All soccer programs can only run with the help of many VOLUNTEERS.  If you are able to COACH OR MANAGE a team, please register to do so ASAP (before February 15).

  • If you have coached or managed in the past, you MUST register on RAMP at the start of each season.
  • ALL volunteers are required to submit a CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK (see the tab CRC for more details and a link/organization code to do so). 
  • COACHES will also be provided a link for online courses (RESPECT IN SPORT is mandatory) and MANAGERS are asked to do one online course (SAFE SPORT), the links will be provided via email  
  • Managers aid in communication between coaches, KESA and parents

ALL parents are required to volunteer at our home tournament (If we do not have sufficient volunteering from parents, this 2025 season will see the implementation of a Volunteer Fee)



  • Registration numbers in each age group will dictate team formation and will be decided after February 15th.  *Late registrations will be considered if there is room on the team roster, with a $25 late registration fee


Player Cards:

  • You will be asked for a player picture during registration.  This is to go on their player cards.  Please make it a picture of your child like you would see on a passport… but they can smile! No one in the picture with them. No sunglasses. 



  • $300 registration (early bird discount of $25 on registrations before Jan 15) all fees MUST be paid by March 1st, for your child to play. 
  • If you require financial assistance, please click on this link to apply for a personal grant: Financial Assistance, please note for any late registrations there is a $25 fee



Mandatory (non-refundable) club attended tournaments for ALL teams:

  1. NELSON May 9-11,2025
  • Please quote KESA at both Prestige Lakeside Resort and Prestige Inn to obtain group rate


  1. Calgary Victoria Cup May 16-18
  • Team mangers to arrange hotel blocks and will notify teams


  1. CRANBROOK/KIMBERLEY (Kootenay Rovers Classic) June 14-15


Coaches may decide to attend additional tournaments, this will involve additional cost to cover tournament registration. 

District teams may attend different tournaments than those listed above, and KESA will cover cost of 3 of these tournaments for those players


All Rep teams (U14 to U18) will be registered for the following:

  • KESA (Cranbrook) Play Downs May 31
  • KAMLOOPS Provincials (if you qualify) July 10-13 (for both boys and girls teams)
  • ALL REP TEAM PLAYERS - when you sign your parent/player contract you will be required to sign a commitment cheque for $350.00 to ensure that the player is committed to play at provincials if their team qualifies.  Teams that forfeit for any reason will receive a $1000.00 fine.  *If you have any known reason for why your player cannot attend play downs or provincials please email the board at (without written permission from the board after reviewing your circumstances if your child does not attend your commitment cheque will be cashed).



MUST be ordered online by February 1st

KESA kits are mandatory for play in the rep/development program.

  • Complete kits include a home, away and a practice jerseys, shorts, 2 pairs of socks, pants, and a track suit jacket, approx $280.  Replacement items will be available to order as well.
  • Please note Kits cannot be resold without KESA approval due to jersey number assignments. We have very limited used kits that are approx $150.  
  • If you have a gently used kit you would like to sell please send an email to KESA will buy back your gently used kits. 
  • NEW PLAYERS, please wait until you receive your assigned jersey number before placing your uniform order.
  • Assistance with the cost of uniforms can be obtained through the jump start website.
  • To get the link to order uniforms or replacement gear please email 


 District Teams:

All of the clubs in the Kootenays have joined together as one district, allowing for more game opportunities for all players and additional benefits, especially for REP players. 

  • As clubs in the Kootenays tend to have lower registration numbers in the upper age categories, this allows us to work together to field age appropriate district (Kootenay teams) if KESA does not have enough players to field a KESA team. 
  • The format is still a work in progress but it would most likely involve older players practicing together locally 2x per week but meeting up to practice as a team in rotating locations either weekly or biweekly and attending all tournaments and competitions together.
  • Once registration closes and numbers are assessed you will be contacted if your child's age group is going to be part of a district team. If you decide to play on a district team your registration fees will be forwarded to the district.  If you decide you do not want to play on the district team and KESA does not have a team for you to play on, you will receive a full refund.   


KESA Minimum Playing Time policy:

DEVELOPMENT aged players (U9-U12) will receive a minimum playing time of 50% averaged over the duration of the season during game play.

REP aged players (U13-U18) will receive a minimum playing time of 30% averaged over the duration of the season during game play.


KESA Late Registration Policy: 

KESA Late Registration Policy

KESA Refund Policy:

Refunds will be given at 50% of registration cost minus admin fee, with approval from the board.  Requests must be submitted to

Refunds will only be considered until the second week of play.




****Please make sure to book your hotels in the cities for the tournaments listed above once you register your player****



 Sponsorship Opportunity:  KESA will be awarding a $1000 scholarship to a female and a male enrolled in KESA Programming.  Please click HERE for more information.  Applications are due April 1 2025.


For more information and questions about REP/DEVELOPMENT, please email


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