New Dawn Place - Indoor Facility

Booking for space inside the indoor sports facility, New Dawn Place!

Bookings are on a first come first serve basis. As a user you will visit the schedule (click on link below)  to view available times. To ensure we can accommodate your request, we kindly ask that you email us at least 24hrs in advance to book a rental time. Any bookings after 5pm, are not guaranteed a booking for the next day.

You will then email KESA Admin to request your time. If the booking can be met, we will reply and send instructions for how you can make payment, and for the necessary paperwork that is needed. If the booking cannot work (keep in mind that there may be requests ahead of yours and we have the overall protocol to follow), we will reply and try to find an alternate time. 

Please note that if you have never used the batting cages, a volunteer KESA Board member will meet you at the Indoor Facility to go over the procedure of use.  Replies to bookings may take longer, so we can make sure we have a volunteer KESA Board member available. 

Anyone renting the Dome under the age of 18yrs old, needs to be accompanied by an adult at all times, and waiver signed by said adult. 

**Also, please note that we do not have board members at the Indoor Facility full time, so booking last minute might not work. 


**If looking to book for a birthday party, please note that no food or drink permitted in Indoor facility, only water. 


View facility schedule

Hours available to rent will be Monday-Sunday 6am-11pm.

Prime time rates will be in effect Monday-Friday 6am-9am, 4pm-9pm and all weekend hours

Bookings have to be a minimum of a 1 hour booking.  Half an hour additions will be considered but booking must be booked so that there is no half an hour gaps with the booking before or after.

**Please be advised that KESA will be charging 5% GST on all rentals

Spaces available to book will be:

The entire facility - $150 per hour-no one else will be able to use the facility during this time (+$7.50 gst) $90 for a half an hour addition (+$4.50 gst)

The large field - $120 per hour during prime time hours, $80 per hour during non prime time hours (+ $6.00 gst and $4.00 gst) $75 for a half an hour addition (+$3.75 gst) $45 for half an hour addition + gst

Half field one - $70 per hour during prime time hours, $50 per hour during non prime time hours (+ $3.50 gst and $2.50 gst) $50 for a half an hour prime time addition (+$2.50 gst) or $35 for a non prime time half an hour addition (+$1.75 gst)

Half field two - $70 per hour during prime time hours, $50 per hour during non prime time hours (+ $3.50 gst and $2.50 gst) $50 for a half an hour prime time addition (+$2.50 gst) or $35 for a non prime time half an hour addition (+$1.75 gst)

Batting cage 1 -  softball - $40 per hour during prime time hours, $30 per hour during non prime time hours (+ $2.00 gst and $1.50 gst) $30 for half an hour prime time addition (+$1.50 gst) $20 for a half an hour non prime time addition (+$1.00 gst)

Batting cage 2 - baseball pitching  - $40 per hour during prime time hours, $30 per hour during non prime time hours (+ $2.00 gst and $1.50 gst) $30 for half an hour prime time addition (+$1.50 gst) $20 for a half an hour non prime time addition (+$1.00 gst)

Both Batting cages- $60 per hour during prime time hours, $50 per hour during non prime time hours (+ $3.00 gst and $2.50 gst) $40 per half an hour prime time addition (+$2.00 gst) $35 per half an hour non prime time addition (+$1.00 gst)

*please email for information on entire facility all day rates

KESA has partnered with the Cranbrook Curing Center and built brand new bathrooms inside the curling rink for the indoor facility users.

Payment, user contracts and proof of insurance must be received by KESA's admin within 72 hours of booking.  Liability waivers must be turned in 72 hours prior to first time slot booked, and all waivers and Insurance Certificates need to be renewed every year or when they expire.


All bookings will be confirmed once payment and all necessary documents are received. 




Rules for Renting New Dawn Place


New Dawn Rental Agreement


General Waiver (when Insurance Certificate is not available)


Facility COVID usage protocols


COVID air circulation information for air supported domes




Cancellations up to 2 weeks prior to time booked will receive full refund
Cancellations 2 weeks to 72 hours prior to time booked will receive a 50% refund
Cancellations less then 72 hours prior to time booked will not receive a refund

If KESA has to cancel any booking or BC Provincial regulations require programming to be cancelled a full refund will be given


We would like to thank all of the sponsors that made this project a reality:


Sponsorship opportunities are still available!  Please contact KESA for more information.



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