REP/Development Indoor January-March
REP/Development Winter Indoor Session
January 10 to March 12, 2025
KESA is excited to be offering an indoor REP/Development session starting in January for U9-U18 players (born 2007 to 2016).
- Registration is open November 20-December 15, 2024
- Registration fee is $275*
- ALL fees need to be paid at least 1 week prior to start date for your child to play
- If you require financial assistance, please click on this link to apply for personal grants: Financial Assistance
- All sessions at the Dome (New Dawn Place) 1777 2nd Street N. Cranbrook, BC.
- Spectators are allowed in the facility. Spectators are asked to remain on the red warm up track.
- No food or drink allowed in the facility with the exception of water.
- All teams will be attending one mandatory tournament
- Allstate Family Day Classic Tournament in Calgary, AB.
- February 14-17
- For tournament info click here
- Hotel Information to be sent to registrants closer to the date
Parent Meeting:
- There will be a parent meeting prior to the first sessions, please watch for the email with details
- All practices and games will be at New Dawn Place.
- Practices will start the week of January 13 and run until the week of March 10.
- There will not be any practices the week following Family Day weekend as we will be attending the tournament (no session Feb 17 and 19).
- Players will practice either Monday or Wednesday evenings with their age groups
- The schedule is subject to change depending on registration numbers and late registrations, we apologize for any inconvenience last minute changes may cause.
5:00-6:30 U9-U11 girls
5:00-6:30 U12-U13 Girls
6:30-8:00 U14-15 Girls
6:30-8:00 U16-U17 Girls
4:30-6:00 U9-U10 Boys
4:30-6:00 U11 Boys
6:00-7:30 U12-U13 Boys
6:00-7:30 U14-15 Boys
7:30-9:00 U16-U18 Boys
- Saturdays there will be game time available, these times may also change depending on registration numbers *this will be a drop in and play style format
U9-11 girls and U9-10 boys 1:00-2:00pm
U12-13 girls and U11-13 boys 2:00-3:00pm
U14-15 girls and U14-15 boys 3:00-4:00pm
U16-17 girls and U16-18 boys 4:00-5:00pm
- As we will be attending a tournament ALL players are required to have a KESA REP/DEV uniform
- If you are in need of a uniform, please contact for more information (we do have very limited used uniforms that can be purchased for approx $150), if there are no used uniform kits available KESA Admin will email out the Ordering Link with your assigned jersey number once the online store opens. New kits are approx $280
- If your child is NOT playing in the Spring REP/DEV they will not have to order a uniform kit.
- Please have your player wear their outdoor shoes into the facility and then change into their cleats on the red warm up track.
Coaches and Managers:
- If you are interested in coaching or managing a team, please register to do so using the link below.
- If you coached a spring/summer team, you will still need to re-register.
- All coaches must have a current criminal record check on file with KESA and have taken or be willing to take the respect in sport course.
To register for players and coaches/managers, click here: REGISTER NOW
KESA's refund policy:
Refunds will be given at 50% of registration cost minus admin fee, with approval from the board. Requests must be submitted to
Refunds will only be considered until the second week of play.
COVID refund policy:
If sport gets shut down before the season starts, we will offer full refunds or credit towards summer season
If sport gets shut down during the season refunds/credits will be based on percentage of season played
If COVID doesn't impact our season regular KEYSA refund policies apply