REFEREE Information

KESA will pay for KESA registered players to take the ref course or complete the yearly refresher.  When KESA pays for your course you are required to officiate a minimum of 3 games during the weekend of the Rovers classic tournament in June.  We will work around your game schedule as a player.  Failure to officiate a minimum of 3 games will result from a future deduction of ref wages to pay back your course fee to the club.



Please take your ref refresher course online by the end of March 2025 to be a ref this season  ref center website

This course is needed if you have taken the ref course last year to continue to ref this year.  If you are registered with KESA your course fee will be covered by the club-register for the course and once completed please submit proof of completion and we will reimburse you.  Email if you have any questions.  



In 2024 KESA is hosting an entry level ref course.  Online modules must be done by the on zoom class on April 14th 9:00-11:30am.  If you are a KESA registered player you will be refunded for your course upon completion.  On field portion will be on April 21 10:00am-1:30pm at New Dawn Place.

Entry Level Clinics Registration Instructions: Click Here

      • Applicants enrolling in Entry Level Clinics must be 14 years of age on or before December 31 of the current year. This is a firm requirement set by Canada Soccer.
      • To receive full credit for this clinic students must attend the (2) sessions NO EXCEPTIONS and transferring clinics is not permitted.
      • Registration closes at 12:00am 3 days prior to the start date for Entry Level Clinics. If registrants do not complete full payment ($135.71) upon registering they will be automatically removed from the class list 3 days prior to the clinic start date NO EXCEPTIONS.
      • If a clinic is full, there are currently no waitlists so please review the registration page: Click Here from time to time to see if a spot opens up or register for a different clinic. 

Please note that the registration cut off dates listed above have been established because BC Soccer requires time to complete administration tasks listed below that are associated with each clinic: 

  • Entry Level Clinics Only: Students require time to complete the 17 pre-clinic modules (7-10 hours of work) which must be completed before the first webinar no exceptions. 


Once you have your certificate of course completion please email it to  to get your course fee refunded after you have Referred at the Rovers Classic. 


Ref Documents and further information

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